This is a piece from my scrap pile. It began life as an earwire gone wrong. As I was clearing up my workspace for the day, it caught my eye and triggered a thought: while it was too fat and short to be an earwire, it had a pleasing curve to it so I plyed around with the design and this is what it became.
That piece became this:
And then this:
So, for now, I'm lost on a curve and spiral obsession. My mind wanders through possibilities: snails, nautilus shells, the monument in Ireland at New Grange; which leads on to Celtic style knotwork and on and on, . . . until I have several sketchbook pages full of ideas. Some of them will become artwork of one form or another, most will remain only sketches, their job of being springboards to the next idea complete.
Then there is another form of inspiration: the ones that are blank potential just waiting to be born!

Crayons, raw copper, brand new unsharpened pencils, a spool of wire: and the list goes on, . . . for all of us.
By the way, this

became this

So, what will the pile of raw copper become? Whatever it is, it will eventually show up in my ArtFire shop so be sure to check here and over there.
In the meantime, I'd love to hear from you! Leave a comment and share something that inspires you.
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